The iPhone X differs from preceding generations more so than any iPhone before it. The lack of a Home button means users need to learn all new gestures to navigate their way around, the Face ID brings a new approach to accessing your phone, and the camera is more high-tech and better quality, just to name a few things. With this in mind, all of ...
The iPhone X is great. It’s the first generation of iPhone to join the all-screen design trend, responds to various new types of gestures, features a new set-up of basic functions, and let’s not forget the big one—facial recognition. The only thing users could really find a hitch with would be the fact that there is no home button. This phone is...
Think you know your iPhone? We’ve got plenty of tips and tricks to help improve your overall experience with your device, whether it’s to improve battery life, or sharing our favorite apps. This series of ‘Utomic Hacks’ will feature plenty of our personal secrets to keep you updated!
Utomic Hack Series #1
1. Disable 'Background App Refresh' for ...